HD DVD Replication | HD DVD Duplication | HD DVD Duplicators

HD-DVD competes with Blu-Ray in the HDTV market. Both formats offer high-density storage capacity and outstanding picture quality, but there are some significant differences between the two technologies. Below is a summary of the principal differences:
- Blu-Ray has a maximum disc capacity of 50GB (30GB for HD DVD)
- Xbox 360 is supported by HD DVD, Playstation 3 by Blu-Ray
- The major Hollywood studios are lined up about 50/50 with either format
- Data transfer rates are superior with Blu-Ray (up to 72mbps)
- Maximum native resolutions of 720p and 1080i
- Maximum image constrained resolutions of 960 x 540 (comparable to Blu-Ray format.)
- Capacity of 15 GB for a single layer disc, 30 GB for a dual layer disc
- Playback time on two layers (Standard Definition) is 13.8 hours
- Playback time on two layers (High Definition) is 5.4 hours