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There's many terms heard on a day to day basis that involve CDs - for our growing list click the links here to see the CD Glossary. (A-C) (D-H) (I-M) (N-Z)
What is the difference between 'pressed CDs' and 'burned CDs'?
There are two ways to create a copied CD. The first is by 'burning' the data onto a pre formed blank disc (a CD-R) - as you would with a PC cd or dvd burner, where a laser etches the information in to a dye layer contained within the blank disc. This is called CD duplication. The second is by 'pressing' the discs with a nickel 'stamper' produced from a 'Glass Master' in a manufacturing plant. (similar to, but a much more refined process than the method used to create vinyl records). Learn more about commercial CD manufacturing and production (CD replication).
Producing CDs professionally involves many steps, At ProCopy we have a 20 step process to make sure your CD product is exactly what you want. To view our CD production checklist click here and you will see the processes we've implemented to produce high quality CD copies for you.
At Pro-Copy we have put together our CD Mastering Pack to help you start the CD production process. If you are starting your project soon and would like the Free ProCopy CD mastering Pack, with tips and guides to produce a better master apply on the ProCopy contacts page here.
What is the most economical option for me?
It depends on how many discs you need. Smaller quantities (generally under 500) are usually burned, while larger quantities are pressed. The Glass Master for pressed discs is costly to produce, making small quantities very expensive. After the cost of the Glass Master is covered, pressed discs are much cheaper to produce than burned discs (and generally more reliable). This makes replicated discs ideal for larger quantities (generally over 500).
Our ProCopy Video describes some of the printed paper part options that are available.How soon can I get my discs?
CD Replication is a manufacturing process with a turnaround time of 3-7 working days for CD or Disc only work (delivery within Australia). Allow 7-10 days for complete packages that include, printed paper parts, CD and various styles of packaging.
CD Duplication is done in-house, with a typical lead time of 2 to 3 days (within Perth, Australia). In special cases we offer a premium same day or overnight service.
Is the quality the same for both options?
The CD-R format is not universally compatible with all CD players (although this is becoming rare in new machines). Quality is comparable for both options, but on-disc printing quality may vary depending upon how the discs are made. There are several printing options for duplicated and replicated discs, including very high resolution full-colour. Procopy offers a premium-quality Microdry Thermal Printing option for our duplicated discs.
What is CD Mastering?
Mastering (or more correctly Pre-Mastering - see our useful audio glossary) is the final step in the process of getting the audio ready for transferring to CD. It is not to be confused with a 'Glass Master' which is created from the CD Master to stamp the discs in the replication process. For more information view the Procopy Guide to CD Mastering ...
To help you with your own CD Mastering and to ensure great results we have now developed the ProCopy CD Mastering Pack. To view what is contained in your Free pack click here
How & why do we analyse CD masters?
Part of our production process includes analysing the CD masters that we create or are sent to us by clients prior to the manufacturing stage. Why do we do this? Well, while a disc may play ok in your cd player or computer it doesn't necessarily mean that it is of sufficient quality to manufacture from. Here's some more details on our CD analysing process.
What is 'mini' CD/CD single?
Mini CDs (aka CD singles), also known as 'mini rounds' are 8cm in diameter and hold about 185MB of content. They are typically used for commercial promotions, and will only play in CD players with a slide-in tray. If you'd like pricing on these great promotional mini CDs then send a request via email from this page.
What is a 'business card' CD?
A business card CD is a custom-shaped disc that is small enough to fit into a wallet. Each holds about 50MB of content. Like mini CD, the discs will only play in CD players with a slide-in tray.
What is overrun?
Overrun applies to replicated discs only. The actual delivered quantities may vary by plus or minus 5%. This is a consequence of the manufacturing process. The net quantity is invoiced.
What is a CD-ROM?
A CD-ROM is used in a PC and/or Mac. The disc can contain any digital content, including music, video, text and data. The content may be interactive and/or connect to the internet such as a CD Zinecast.
What is CD-Enhanced?
CD-enhanced is a format that allows CDs to contain both CD audio (that will play in regular CD players) and CD-ROM data (that will enable extra content to be accessed through a PC and/or Mac). With the prices of bulk CDs not dependent on the amount of content on them then it makes sense to add a video clip or extra data information if you have the room available on the disc. Contact us if you have any questions regarding enhanced CDs and how they may add value to your next release.
CD Karaoke (CD+G)
We now produce a wide variety of CD karaoke discs for clients, These discs fall under the CD+G (plus graphics) parameter of CD Rom discs although they can contain CD Audio, Text information (song lyrics), pictures and sometimes video. We can now produce short runs in house as well as bulk replicated quantities. We also produce a number of packaging styles for Karaoke discs including cardsleeves, Slim CD or DVD cases and standard CD or Dvd boxes. If you are looking for Karaoke CDs or DVDs to add to your collection, visit the people at Sunfly Karaoke they have a huge catalogue of discs and playback equipment to choose from.
What is CD-Zinecast?
CD-Zinecast is a variation of CD-Enhanced that enables interactive digital publishing. Developed by ProCopy for some of our clients you can See more about CD Zinecast here.